


Some Info: https://cnj.atu.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Classifications-of-Aircraft-Engines-Copy.pdf

Shaft Engines

  • Clockwork Drives (Human Energy)
  • External Thermal Engines
    • Steam Engine
    • Stirling Engine
    • Nuclear Engine
  • Internal Thermal Engines
    • Intermittent Combustion
      • Reciprocating Engine / Piston Engine
        • By Fuel
          • Gasoline Engine
          • Diesel Engine
        • By Layout
          • In-Line
          • Flat / Boxer / Horizontal / Opposed
          • V-Type
          • W-Type
          • X-Type
          • Rotary (Rotary Crankcase)
          • Radial (Cylinders Radiate Outward)
      • Rotary Engine / Wankel Engine
    • Air Breathing / Continuous Compression
      • Gas Turbine Engine
        • Types
          • Turbo Prop (Turbine Engine that drives a Propeller)
            • Efficient at low speeds and altitudes, best for regional airliners and cargo planes
            • Typically operate at below Mach 0.6
          • Turbo Shaft
          • Prop Fan
  • Electric Motors

Reaction Engines

  • Jet Engines
    • Air Breathing / Continuous Combustion
      • Gas Turbine Engine
        • Types
          • Turbo Jet (Jet Engines that produce Thrust from the direct impulse of the Exhaust)
            • Capable of high speeds, making them suitable for supersonic and high-altitude flight
            • Typically operate at above Mach 0.8
          • Turbofan / Fan Jet
      • Advanced Technology Engine
      • Ram Compression
        • Types
          • Ram Jet
            • Most efficient at speeds above Mach 2
            • Types
              • Air Turbo Ram Jet (Combines Turbojet and Ramjet)
              • Dual-Mode Ram Jet
          • Scram Jet / Supersonic Compression Ram Jets
            • They operate in the hypersonic range, above Mach 5
          • Shcram Jet / Shock Compression Ram Jets
      • Non-Continuous Compression
        • Types
          • Motor Jet
          • Pulse Jet
            • Types
              • Valveless Pulse Jet
              • Gluhareff Pressure Jet
          • Pulse Detonation Engine
    • Rocket Engines
      • Types
        • Nuclear Thermal Rocket
        • Aerospike Engine
    • Hybrid Engines
      • Types
        • Air-Augmented Rocket
          • Pre-cooled Jets / Liquid Air Cycle Engine (LACE)
        • Air Turbo Rocket
          • Turborocket (Combines Turbo Jet and Rocket)
          • Air Turbo Ram Jet (Combines Turbo Jet and Ram Jet)
    • Pump Jet / Hydro Jet / Water Jet
      • Used for Marine Propulsion
      • The Pump Jet must be driven by a separate engine such as a Diesel or Gas Turbine
    • Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
      • Ion and Plasma Drives
        • Electrostatic / Ion Thrusters
        • Electrothermal
          • Resistojet
          • Arcjet
          • Microwave
          • Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR)
        • Electromagnetic / Plasma Propulsion Engine
  • Rotating Detonation Engine


  • Understand Shock Waves to design efficient Aircraft Engines.
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